Understanding our terms and conditions; “GCSE” is Gold Coast Surf Experience and “you”, “your” or “client” is the person reading, booking or taking a surf session. By booking and surfing with GCSE, you are aware and acknowledging that you have read, understood and agree to be legally bound by these terms & conditions set in place by GCSE.

General terms and conditions:

Confirmation of your session/s will be made to the nominated email address and / or phone number provided. The person/s making the booking and signing form/s accepts responsibility of the payment and the well-being of everyone listed. You are responsible for ensuring that all other clients listed on your booking form have read GCSE terms and conditions and are fully aware of session detail/s and requirements. This will include signing a liability waiver. All client’s names can be included on one form.

Client participation liability / agreement:

Prior to your session/s you will be required to complete a liability/waiver form. All clients must complete the form or they will not participate.


Information for accepted payment method/s are made available to you during the purchasing session/s process. Some payment methods may only be available subject to additional conditions and / or fees. If you have issues with payment via website, please contact us directly.

All payments are independently processed through third-party services unrelated to GCSE. GCSE does not store or collate any card information. If a payment through the available methods fails or is refused by a third party service provider, GCSE shall be under no obligation to fulfil a purchase order. If a payment fails or declines, GCSE reserves the right to claim any related expenses or damages from the purchase / you as the client.

Costs begin at $80 per person for group sessions, $80 is not the total for a group session. Private session costs are for one person, there is an option to add more people for an extra cost. If the extra person/s do not participate, no refund is given if it is inside the 24-hour cancellation policy timeframes.


Refund/s or Rescheduling:

When rescheduling a session you have booked in advance, GCSE requires at least 24 hours notice. Failure to give the necessary notice will mean you forfeit the session and the payment in total. In this circumstance, there are no refunds on group sessions, private lessons or any other sessions made available by GCSE.

GCSE allows a transfer or a credit for a future session if you have to cancel a booking, please make note of our cancellation policy. Transfer of a session means you give 24 hours notice before the start of the original booking. We offer no refunds for cancellations, change of mind or no-shows. In the event of an injury or illness of a client, a full refund or transfer of credit for a future session. To have a credit transfer or refund, you must give 24 hours notice before the start of the session. GCSE will not provide any refunds on pre-purchased multi-session packs once booked and paid. We can provide a name change or product change equivalent to the amount spent by the original clients booking.

No refund/s or transfer of credit will be offered if the client refuses to sign the liability waiver, accept GCSE terms and conditions and / or the coach determines the client cannot participate in the activity (e.g. client is under the influence of drugs and / or alcohol).

If the client advises a GCSE instructor of a medical condition such that the instructor decides that it would be unsafe for the client to participate in the session, a full refund will be offered. If a coach becomes aware of a client’s medical condition and / or illness, after the session has commenced, such that the instructor determines it is unsafe for the client to continue in the activity, no refund will be offered to the person/s.

Client must provided appropriate surfboard, surf equipment for the session, GCSE is under no obligation to provide this unless stated beforehand. No refund is given in this circumstance.

Cancellation by GCSE, Time or Location changes:

We may cancel a session in the event of unforeseen changes such as unsafe weather or surf conditions, beach closure, flat conditions, threat of terrorism or natural disasters. If a session you are participating in is cancelled, we will contact you immediately to reschedule on an alternative date and time. If a client cannot reschedule and the cancellation is made by GCSE, a credit transfer or full refund is made by GCSE to the client. Sessions are not cancelled due to wet weather, only GCSE has the right to cancel a session.

If ocean / weather conditions become unsafe during your session, the coach/s may modify the session to suit conditions. All coaches are highly skilled and trained to make safe and precise decisions. If conditions are too dangerous leading into the start of a session, you will have a credit to use for the next session with us.

Sessions may be rescheduled to suit better conditions, times and or locations by GCSE. We will always provide the time and location of a session at least 24 hours before the start time. Location of sessions is dependent on conditions and may take place between Snapper Rocks and The Spit. All sessions are 1 hour or 1.5hr unless stated otherwise. All sessions run on QLD time, all year round. Sessions will never run on NSW or any other time.

GCSE is not liable for any incidental expenses that may have been incurred by a client due to weather including but not limited to events such as transport, public transport, flights, road works, busy traffic, accommodation, time off work. Etc.

Changes to GCSE cancellation policy may be occur by result of unforeseen circumstances .


Pre-purchased multi sessions including but not limited to (4 session) and (8 session) must be used by the client who has signed and agreed to the liability waiver and terms and conditions. This doesn’t count where parents are signing for children under 18 years of age. Multi sessions must be booked and paid in full to receive the valid discount. No refund is offered for change of mind once the session packs have been purchased. The 24 hour cancellation policy covers each session. However, change of mind i.e taking 2 sessions and cancellation of the following in advance, doesn’t benefit a refund. No refund will be given to you by GCSE.

In the event of an injury or sickness you must provide a medical certificate. If you are unable to participate in the session due to injury and illness and have provided a valid medical certificate, GCSE will provide a refund which will be based on the total amount paid, minus the sessions already delivered calculated at the undiscounted session price. Clients are able to hold onto the booked sessions and use at a future date if willing. This extends to all sessions / including one of sessions. We will try our best to ensure that a client receives the same coach each session, however, please understand that this may not always be the case. Our entire team are experience and advanced level surfers, each with over 15 years of surfing and coaching experience.


Prices may be subject to change in unforeseen circumstances. Current prices will be displayed within the GCSE website, social media links and all other available public places. Prices are and will always be in Australian dollars ($AU). No other currency is accepted by GCSE. GCSE will not match other surf school / instructors prices at any time unless stated otherwise. Multi sessions packages are paid in full and in advance to receive a discount, paying each week or each session will incur the full cost of one session.

Equipment / Surf equipment:

Clients are required to bring their own surfboard/s and all other valid equipment. Board and wetsuit hire can be arranged if a client doesn’t have their own equipment (this may come at a further cost). Damage to or loss of all / any equipment caused by negligence, malicious acts, or carelessness must be paid for at the time and at the current replacement value of the product. At certain times GCSE might provide but is not obligated to provide equipment.

Privacy policy:

GCSE is dedicated to keeping your private and personal details private. Any information we collect in relation to you is kept strictly secured and not shown or used anywhere else. We use this information to identify orders and to provide you with the best possible service. We may use social media, webpages or phone numbers to contact you at certain times or under certain circumstances. GCSE will not share your details without your consent.

Shipping on Store Product:

GCSE online store is available to be shipped worldwide. Please note our product is made to order by a third party - therefore there will be an expected longer shipping time on all items. Please allow at least 5 - 10 business days Australia, 10 - 15 days outside Australia for your item. GCSE is not responsible for any orders that are placed with incorrect details, address, size or quantities. No refunds are given in such circumstances. Please refer to our store and sizing charts where applicable. Online purchases cannot be returned due to client error such as incorrect sizes or change or mind. A replacement item can be arranged if a product is faulty upon arrival.

Photos /Videos:

Any images / videos of you taken during sessions could be used by us without charge in all media for genuine promotional or marketing purposes. This is mentioned in our liability waiver, signed prior to surfing. This includes promotional material, brochures, imagery on social media, videos on social media, the internet, and social media platforms. If you do not wish to be used in any promotional materials, services or platforms please inform us before you surf.

Website, Social media platforms:

By entering a surf session having signed the liability waiver you agree to be used in all / any imagery on social media, webpages or any other platforms. By using GCSE webpages or platforms you agree to all terms and conditions set in place.

For further information contact GCSE via phone, email or social media outlets.

- The team at GCSE.